Summer Smart — Special Price on Qwintry Smart Shipping

Qwintry has launched a special deal – Summer Smart! Until the end of summer, the price for shipping using the Qwintry Smart method from the USA to Russia will be nearly half off. Purchases are shipped via the UAE, allowing you to bypass European restrictions. You can order and ship:

  • Vinyl records
  • Video games and gaming consoles up to $750

And electronics up to $2500:

  • Smartphones and smartwatches
  • Laptops, tablets, monitors
  • Microphones, headphones, speakers, MP3 players
  • Keyboards, computer mice
  • Digital cameras and accessories
  • SSD and HDD drives, RAM, graphics cards, modems, hard drives, memory cards, flash drives, and SD cards, e-readers

And this is not a complete list! With the Qwintry Smart method, you can ship any items that are not on the US sanctions list. The special price combines with Qwintry Plus subscription discounts.

19 July 2024