Qwintry Air / Qwintry Smart pickup locations

Packages shipped with Qwintry Air / Qwintry Smart can be delivered to your home (by couriers) or to convenient pickup locations in your city. Pickup locations works on weekends! Find your city on the map and click on a specific marker to view the schedule and address of the pickup location. You can selected your pickup location when creating an outgoing parcel. Once the package arrives at your pickup location - you get SMS-notification.

Note: In some cities there are no pickup locations. So if you can not find your city in the selectbox below, but our calculator shows you that Qwintry Air / Qwintry Smart is available in your city - that means the parcel in your city can be delivered only by a courier.

Restrictions: The maximum size of the parcel - no more than 150 cm (sum of all sides). The Pickup location №1 in Moscow (m.Pushkinskaya) - restriction on the weight of the parcel (10kg) (in other locations and cities - there are no weight limit). To get the parcel you need a passport.